*blow the dust away from the page*
Hi! Erm. Yeash. Its been more than a month since my last post, yeah? Berhabuk bersawang segala..have to do spring cleaning la after this. Told you this is gonna be another wasted blog yang akan terbiar berminggu-minggu till another coming post.
It's officially spring now, guys! One week to go before my medicine & surgery exam huhu! For now I'm stuck in home to bury my face in those books (and internet) until I will free again like
flying dragon dragonfly! Gituh...
This is dragonfly. Not a flying dragon. Courtesy of wiki lol
But you know what, I think:
1. I'm gonna window shopping tomorrow. Alasan nak release tension kononnye, padahal nak buang masa. Tapi I have to renew my Gardai card yang dah luput 16 March lampau, which makes me a PATI of Ireland for about 5 days now teeheheee :D
2. I need a new layout for this blog. It looks very dull, kan? Needs brighter colours and stuff, balloons and rainbows if that really necessary.
3. I need glasses. My eyes are getting bad than ever.
4. I need to get off now.
edit: changed my layout! :D